چاپ مقاله يكي از اعضاي پژوهشكده توسعه تكنولوژي در نشريه علمي – پژوهشي رياضيات كاربردي دانشگاه سوفياي بلغارستان
مقاله ي يكي از اعضاي هيات علمي پژوهشکده توسعه تکنولوژي، در نشريه بين المللي علمي – پژوهشي” International Journal of Applied Mathematics’volum” منتشر شد.
به گزارش روابط عمومي پژوهشكده توسعه تكنولوژي، اين مقاله كه توسط دكتر مرتضي رحماني و دكتر سيد حجت اله مومني نوشته شده است، با عنوان"Generalized purcell method and its applications"
(تعميم روش پرسل و كاربردهاي آن) در نشريه بين المللي علمي – پژوهشي رياضيات كاربردي از انتشارات دانشگاهي دانشگاه سوفياي بلغارستان به چاپ رسيده است.
در چكيده ي اين مقاله آمده است:
In this paper, the theoretical and numerical aspects of the generalized
Purcell method for solving a system of homogeneous linear equations
are provided. The novel row and the column pivoting are defined, that help toprove the stability of the method. The proposed method is generalized for solvingeigenvalue and eigenvector problems. The advantages of the method are:
1.The presented method generates the set of linearly dependent rows of a matrix,say A, and its multiple independent solutions in solving
Ax = 0;
2.It gives the eigenvectors of a matrix A if there exists an eigenvalue with geometric multiplicity;
3. For a real and symmetric matrix it will gives an a posteriori error
estimation; and
4. Also is proved that the complexity of the method is approximately
half of the complexity of the Gaussian elimination method. Finally, in
order to indicate the reliability and efficiency of the method, comparisons with the power method are made.
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